Saturday, August 15, 2009


As part of a group assignment last year, we tackled the topic of Digital Portfolios. We looked at what would be needed to use it for life long learning, and as an authentic assessment tool. The presentation below was our Powerpoint assessment item - but seems dry and dusty without the accompanying notes for each slide, the animations and the personalities of the different presenters.

Now I have the chance to create my own e-portfolio using Mahara. Having an e-portfolio means that I must be reflective about what I include - is it demonstrating my learning, my best work, is it how I wish to be portrayed as a learner in the 21st century? It is all about "collection, selection, reflection and projection" (Danielson & Abrutyn (1997) as cited by Barrett 2002). I even found a wiki that detailed information about e-portfolios and provided some interesting links.

So far, I have watched the Mahara videos and uploaded my avatars to my site. I even created a group with Andrew Steggall-Lewis which was rather easy. Now, what to do with it? When you are next in Mahara, search for Noosa Hub E-Learning Central in "Find Groups".

I found a great example of an e-portfolio on Mahara and feel extremely daunted - by what has been achieved, the content and layout. I want mine to be like that - now I just have to work out how!

My e-learning journey has made me realise that the home computer and lap top are not the be-all and end-all of storage devices. There is a wide range of online file storage to be used (Google Docs, Flickr, Slideshare, MediaFire) - and now my portfolio can also be stored as an open source document and be portable! I remember being excited when I was first introduced to the USB stick - and now this!!!

Barrett, H (2002) Introduction to Electronic Assessment Portfolios. Downloaded from


1 comment:

  1. Jane,

    I like your SlideShare but two points:

    1. Reflection is far more than 'introspection' ie it can engage others and it is certainly a long-term activity. See my blog at:

    2. An e-Portfolio can be used for so much more in an e-safe environment. This is particularly relevant to all minors and also for adults who may not be as e-safe aware as they should be.

    See my blog generally and get back to me if you wish.

    Ray T
