Digital Portfolios More Than Documentation
View more presentations from Jane Ferrett.
Now I have the chance to create my own e-portfolio using Mahara. Having an e-portfolio means that I must be reflective about what I include - is it demonstrating my learning, my best work, is it how I wish to be portrayed as a learner in the 21st century? It is all about "collection, selection, reflection and projection" (Danielson & Abrutyn (1997) as cited by Barrett 2002). I even found a wiki that detailed information about e-portfolios and provided some interesting links.
So far, I have watched the Mahara videos and uploaded my avatars to my site. I even created a group with Andrew Steggall-Lewis which was rather easy. Now, what to do with it? When you are next in Mahara, search for Noosa Hub E-Learning Central in "Find Groups".
I found a great example of an e-portfolio on Mahara and feel extremely daunted - by what has been achieved, the content and layout. I want mine to be like that - now I just have to work out how!
My e-learning journey has made me realise that the home computer and lap top are not the be-all and end-all of storage devices. There is a wide range of online file storage to be used (Google Docs, Flickr, Slideshare, MediaFire) - and now my portfolio can also be stored as an open source document and be portable! I remember being excited when I was first introduced to the USB stick - and now this!!!
Barrett, H (2002) Introduction to Electronic Assessment Portfolios. Downloaded from
ReplyDeleteI like your SlideShare but two points:
1. Reflection is far more than 'introspection' ie it can engage others and it is certainly a long-term activity. See my blog at:
2. An e-Portfolio can be used for so much more in an e-safe environment. This is particularly relevant to all minors and also for adults who may not be as e-safe aware as they should be.
See my blog generally and get back to me if you wish.
Ray T